They are coming back 23rd of December !!!
"They" My Older Siblings.
These words filled me with excitement, that can't be expressed in words. I remember always looking forward to the date, washing the bathrooms, checking the calendar, cleaning everywhere days to the D Day .
If you have been here for long, you would know I have…
I can't get over the fact that summer is over. It's school time again!!. For some who have resumed and others who are about to, are you feeling excited about it or laid-back?
I remember back in Secondary school (High school) we get excited because of new shoes, clothes (uniform) and bags. One of those times…
Hi there!! I take it everyone is having a great holiday just as I am, seeing things I have always wanted to see and do things I thought I would never do #leavingmycomfortzone *winks* , which I will definitely share at the end of the summer.
Summer is moving sooo fast it's almost coming to an…